Latest Past Events

Workshop on Youth, Gender, and Preventing Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia

Bali, Indonesia, 29-30 November 2023 – The Initiative to Promote Tolerance and Prevent Violence (INITIATE.MY) participated in the workshop on Youth, Gender, and Preventing Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia organised by the Pacific Forum in collaboration with the US Indo-Pacific Command Office of Women, Peace, and Security (USINDOPACOM). The focus was on exploring the intersection...

Selection Announcement: 2023 Strategic Communications Festival in Bali, Indonesia

Kuala Lumpur, 3 November 2023 - The Initiative to Promote Tolerance and Prevent Violence (INITIATE.MY) would like to congratulate participants from Group 4 and 2 for being selected to represent Malaysia in the upcoming regional Strategic Communications Festival that is set to take place in Bali, Indonesia this December 2023.  Group 4 members are Kennimrod...

2023 International Conference and AMAN Assembly

Banda Aceh, 14-16 October 2023 - The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) along with Fakultas Syariah & Hukum of Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry co-organised an International Conference and AMAN Assembly 2023 with the theme ‘Religious Inclusion and Peacebuilding in the World: The Perspective of Muslims.  The conference involved about 500 participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,...