Latest Past Events

2023 International Conference and AMAN Assembly

Banda Aceh, 14-16 October 2023 - The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) along with Fakultas Syariah & Hukum of Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry co-organised an International Conference and AMAN Assembly 2023 with the theme ‘Religious Inclusion and Peacebuilding in the World: The Perspective of Muslims.  The conference involved about 500 participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,...

LUMINATE’s Youth Rountable Discussion

Kuala Lumpur, 2 October 2023 - The Initiative to Promote Tolerance and Prevent Violence (INITIATE.MY) participated in a Youth Roundtable Discussion organised by the LUMINATE Foundation. The workshop gathered 28 youth leaders from various backgrounds in the civil society sector. The workshop's primary aim encompassed a collaborative exchange of best practices in fostering youth participation...

Conference on (Re)Assessing the Threat of Violent Extremism and Radicalisation in Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, 26 September 2023 - Malaysia's School of Politics, History, and International Relations (PHIR) of the University of Nottingham convened an international conference on extremism and radicalisation at the Kuala Lumpur Teaching Centre (KLTC). In the roundtable session, speakers and participants delved into the dynamics of recruitment into violent extremism and effective strategies for...

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