Webinar Summary No. 2 Year 2022: National Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE) Empowering the Role of Civil Society Organisations

The mandate to develop the National Action Plan on Prevention and Counter Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE) is derived from the United Nations General Assembly 70/674 in 2015 to address the changing threats of violent extremism. Many countries have come up with their own action plans, among them Indonesia (2020-2024) and Kenya (2020-2024). At the time of writing, Malaysia is still developing its NAP under the purview of the Home Affairs Ministry, with the launch expected in the first quarter of 2022.

The mandate puts forward an interdisciplinary “All-of-society” and “All-of-government” approach. Hence, civil society organisations (CSOs) are one of the key stakeholders in combating extremism and promoting peace. However, in the Malaysian context, more efforts are needed to empower the role of CSOs to achieve the overall success of NAP.

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