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Article 19, Komuniti Muslim Universal (KMU Malaysia) and Sisters in Islam (SIS) co-hosted a visit of Expert Delegation on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB)

Article 19, Komuniti Muslim Universal (KMU Malaysia) and Sisters in Islam (SIS) co-hosted a visit of Expert Delegation on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB)

A three-day visit of expert delegates on FoRB was held from 19th to 21st December 2022 to share contextual developments, experiences and best practices with Malaysian civil society organisations (CSOs) on the topics of FoRB and countering hate speech. The visit was also set to discuss the implementation of the United Nations Framework (UN Resolution 16/18 and Rabat Plan of Action) as a complementary standard for protection of FoRB in Malaysia.

Fireside Chat: Radicalisation & Society by Love Frankie

Fireside Chat: Radicalisation & Society by Love Frankie

Aizat Shamsuddin, Founder and Director of INITIATE.MY spoke at a “Fireside Chat: Radicalisation & Society” session at the Creators Forward: Regional Summit. Creators Forward is co-led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the European Union (EU), and TikTok, with support from programme partner Love Frankie. At the session, Aizat shared his radicalisation story and analysis as well as the ways forward to counter hate narratives and spread positive content on social media platforms like TikTok with the regional TikTok creators (from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines).

Vacancy Announcement: Intern (Paid)

Vacancy Announcement: Intern (Paid)

We are looking for passionate and enthusiastic individuals to join our team as interns! Read the Terms of Reference below. Intern is responsible for providing support for the production of creative content on social media and media platforms, program management, research and supporting other duties related to the organisation’s projects and administration with a small...

Trauma-informed Approach in Countering Violent Extremism

Trauma-informed Approach in Countering Violent Extremism

Among the many pathways to violent extremism, trauma is a key factor in personal and collective violence in radicalisation studies. Trauma refers to an event or series of events that causes a person to be overwhelmed by a perceived threat, and the deep patterns of emotional distress that may result for the person. Over time, trauma alters brain structures and chemicals. It causes maladaptive responses to emotion, cognition, social interaction and behaviour. The risk for hostility, anger moderation difficulties and distrust also rises.

Perkasakan Peranan Pertubuhan Masyarakat Sivil dalam Pelan Tindakan Pencegahan Keganasan

Perkasakan Peranan Pertubuhan Masyarakat Sivil dalam Pelan Tindakan Pencegahan Keganasan

Walaupun Unit Khas Anti-keganasan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah menjalankan tanggungjawab yang cekap dalam menggagalkan siri cubaan dan serangan pengganas, penggubalan Pelan Tindakan ini perlu mengambil langkah proaktif dalam membendung penyebaran ideologi ekstrem dan tidak bertoleransi oleh gerakan atau individu tertentu di ruang awam mahupun melalui platform maya. Dalam hal ini, ia tidak terhad kepada pejuang kumpulan pengganas seperti Daesh dan al-Qaeda sahaja, malah simpatisan dan pengikut gerakan ekstrem turut menyumbang kepada ancaman keselamatan negara dan kesepaduan masyarakat majmuk kini. Jadi, ancaman yang meluas ini memerlukan penglibatan masyarakat sivil untuk turut serta memainkan peranannya. Pelan Tindakan ini adalah sebuah batu loncatan untuk memperkasa peranan CSO melalui penglibatan dan kerjasama bersama badan dan agensi kerajaan, selaku rakan strategik kepada kerajaan.

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