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Early Findings on the Challenges and Needs of Former Security Detainees (FSDs) and Their Affected Family Members
February 28, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Currently, Malaysia is at the stage of finalising and soon launching its own National Action Plan to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE or NAP). One of the focus clusters is the reintegration programme of former security detainees (FSDs) and their affected family members. FSDs are defined as those who were detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2021, Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015 and Prevention of Crime Act 1959.
In Malaysia, the reintegration programme with former prisoners in general is facilitated mainly by state actors, the government and enforcement authorities. However, there is a lack of resources given to the efforts to reintegrate FSDs and their affected family members back into the society.
Last year, INITIATE.MY organised a series of consultations and interviews with about 50 participants from FSDs and their family members themselves, government agencies, enforcement authorities, lawyers, academicians, civil society organisations, to find out more about the challenges and needs of FSDs and their affected family members in the reintegration programme.
Our findings show that because of the criminal record from the past security offences, they are facing difficulties in rejoining the society. This includes access to proper legal representation, employment opportunities, mental health services and meaningful participation on community activities.
This webinar discusses INITIATE.MY early findings on the challenges and needs of FSDs and their affected family members as well as to propose recommendations on empowering the role of relevant stakeholders to play a part in deradicalisation efforts.
Target Audience
P/CVE Researchers, NGOs, policymakers and enforcement agencies
Azura Nasron,
Program Manager,
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
She is a graduate of Political Science who is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree at the University of Malaya in the field of Southeast Asian Studies. Formally working in SUARAM, an NGO focusing on the repeal of draconian laws. Informally, she is the chair of student organisation – Gerakan Pembebasan Akademik, a founding member of Rekod Media, and also a member and contributing writer of Jurnal Sang Pemula; all three platforms focused on bringing forth ideas based on social justice.
Hisham Muhaimi
Project Coordinator,
Initiative to Promote Tolerance and Prevent Violence (INITIATE.MY)
He is a Project Coordinator and Researcher at the Initiative to Promote Tolerance and Prevent Violence (INITIATE.MY) that is powered by Komuniti Muslim Universal (KMU Malaysia). Hisham joined KMU Malaysia in 2017 and has since been active in conducting advocacy training, workshops and seminars with youths and other stakeholders at the grassroots to promote the inclusion of religious minorities and gender equality, and the prevention of violent extremism (P/CVE).
He is also active in participating in speaking engagements and is often quoted in the news media on the topic of religious freedom, hate speech and P/CVE. He spent 5 years studying laws and Shariah at the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) from 2014 – 2019. He was also a Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellow alumnus from the University of Nebraska-Omaha in 2018. Hisham is passionate about civic engagement, youth advocacy, community building and interfaith experience.
Dr. Mukhriz Mat Rus
Senior Lecturer,
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
He is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Law, College of Law, Government and International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Before joining the academia, he served at the Attorney General’s Chambers, Malaysia as Deputy Public Prosecutor (2008 – 2015). He is also a qualified advocate and solicitor (Malaya). Dr. Mukhriz obtained LL.B (Hons) in 2007 from the International Islamic University of Malaysia and later LL.M from the National University of Malaysia in 2014.
In 2019, he completed his Ph.D. (Criminal Justice & Counter-terrorism) at the School of law, University of Leeds, United Kingdom. His doctoral research is about the criminalisation approach in Malaysia’s counter-terrorism strategy. His areas of expertise and interest include international and domestic criminal law, criminal justice, counter-terrorism law and human rights law.
Debbie Affianty
Laboratory of Indonesian and Global Studies (LIGS), Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta
She is the Executive Director of the Laboratory of Indonesia and Global Studies (LIGS), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta. She was a member of the International Relations and Cooperation Institute (LHKI) Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah from the year 2015 to 2022. Debbie is now a member of the Research Division of Aisyiyah Board, which is the Muhammadiyah women’s wing.
She is also a member of the Streering Commitee of the Working Group on Women and Preventing Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) (WGWC). PCVE WGWC is a media of consolidating knowledge about the work of women and PCVE in Indonesia, by taking good and bad practices, civil society and government in implementing policies and women’s and PCVE programs. She specialises on how gender issues affect terrorism in Indonesia.